Young People and the Lord Buddha
In recent years, a new generation of young people has started to wonder why Buddhists highly regard the Lord Buddha to be the greatest sanctuary, although he was only human
Dad, Why Were We Born?
One day, a family invited guests to their home for a religions rite for the great-grandparent. After the ceremony, when all the guests had left, the son asked the father,
Children Who Want Their Father to Quit Drinking
Many families may have faced the daily problem of seeing their father being drunk and belligerent.
The Womanizing and Alcoholic Husband
A husband who is unfaithful and who drinks alcohol to excess can cause a family to fall apart
Overview #2
The Middle Way [majjhima patipada] is a path of practice that avoids the extremes of either sensual indulgence tice that avoids the extremes of either sensual indulgence or self –mortification
Dear Father, Please Don’t Let Me Become Addicted to Television
One of the concerns facing parents today is not having enough time to spend with their children because almost all of their available time is used to earn al living to support the family
Teaching Children Frugality to Ensure the Family’s Future
Children’s future financial security can be measured by their frugality and parents can cultivate good economic sense in their children by being frugal themselves
Keeping Love Alive (Cherishing Love)
In the book Thirty-eight Universal Steps to Eternal Happiness, compiled for the summer program for ordained monks by the Venerable teacher Monk Somchai Tanavuddho,
Raising Children to Be Smart and Virtuous#1
Our world seems to become smaller in terms of its interconnectedness. Changes occurring around the world have immediate effects on us socially and economically
Raising Children to Be Smart and Virtuous#3
For children that demonstrate care towards others, they must be taught to take care of themselves