The Noble Eightfold Path on the Mundane Level # 4
Right Action is the practice of abstaining from killing, stealing and adultery
Abstaining from Unwholesomeness # 1
“Before we dress up beautifully, we need to shower off all the dirt. So as before we purify the mind for a higher virtue, we need to abstain from all kinds of unwholesomeness
The Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering # 1
When the Lord Buddha had finished his explanation of the origin of suffering, he continued with an explanation of the cessation of suffering
Warnings : Skill in Knowledge
If the knowledge we possess can only be used in the world and not in the Dhamma, there will always be an increased risk for us to take the wrong steps
Cherishing our Husband or Wife # 1
In chewing food, if our tongue and teeth do not work in harmony, we will mostly likely bite ourselves and shed tears.
Cherishing our Parents # 2
Because we owe an overwhelming debt of gratitude to our parents, we must repay the debt of gratitude firstly by appreciating our parents
The Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering #1
After explaining the Noble Truth of Suffering, Lord Buddha continued with an explanation of the origin of suffering
Getting ordained is the brightest moment in life
"Getting ordained is the brightest moment in life", said Pra Payungrit Palayutto. This monk was a singer and successful in his carreer before. Why did he say like this?
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Restraint from Drinking Intoxicants (1)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Sixth Group of Blessings. Blessing Twenty :- Restraint from Drinking Intoxicants.
Dhammachai Day – Victory Announcement Day
Dhammachai Day is another important day for the Most Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh's disciples. Why is it important? Click to read Luang Phaw's profile and his highest aspiration!