Our Mind Can Change the World
Good day ladies and gentlemen. I’m so proud to present the topic “ Our mind can change the world ” to you today. Let’s see how our mind relates to the world.
The Blissful Mind
Once those who are chained in prison are free from the confinements, They will be free and happy. Likewise, those who can attain Nirvana and are free from all defilements, Will have a blissful mind just like those
Meditation is classified by the standstill location of one s mind
Meditation is classified by the standstill location of one’s mind.
How to Control Your Mind
Knowing the mind by trying to focus on only one thought at a time seems like an easy task. But when you attempt to do this, you find that you cannot accomplish this goal immediately.
The practitioner stands his mind on some parts of the body
The practitioner stands his mind on some parts of the body.
What are the characteristics of a refined mind?
The refined mind is clear, bright, and free from defilements. To refine one’s mind is not easy because one has to work against the temptations thrown up by the mental defilements.
A Mind Invulnerable to Worldly Vicissitudes
The mind that is afraid or disappointed by Worldly Vicissitudes is worrisome that is might encounter something unpleasant or something that it is afraid of
The practitioner stands his mind in the center of the body
The 3rd kind of meditation:- The practitioner stands his mind in the center of the body
A Mind Free Of Worldly Vicissitudes.
The mind is the nature of thought inside our body and can collect and assimilate all kinds of sense-objects
A Mind Free of Sorrow.
It’s unavoidable for every one to face the eight worldly conditions except for the enlightened one or the noble one whose mind is kept calm and collected no matter what pleasant or unpleasant objects come to him/her